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*All data sources: Waverton, FactSet as at 30 June 2024 unless otherwise stated. All performance shown is cumulative and net of fees for a typical S.W. Mitchell Capital Pan European equity mandate. The performance results presented are hypothetical, for informational purposes only, and are not intended to, nor do they, represent the actual performance of any one specific client or group of clients over the time period shown.  There can be no assurances that the performance can or will be achieved. No guarantee of future performance can or will be made. Actual returns will vary depending on a variety of factors and conditions. Performance shown is for four chain linked typical Pan European Mandates that had a similar investment objective ; the first from Feb 1999 until Aug 1999, the second between Sept 1999 and Dec 2011, the third from Jan 2012 to Jan 2019, and the fourth from Feb 2019 to current. Any further information required is available from the Investment Manager upon request.

Figures are subject to rounding. Changes in rate of exchange may cause the value of investments to fluctuate.

Stuart Mitchell’s Q1 2017 update – Stuart reflects on 2016 and discusses our outlook for this year

25th January 2017

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© 2024 S. W. Mitchell Capital LLP. All Rights Reserved
S. W. Mitchell Capital LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
S. W. Mitchell Capital LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England no. OC312953


Registered address Princes House, 38 Jermyn Street, London, SW1Y 6DN

Photos by James Ogilvy and Stuart Mitchell